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Shoot the Toy

Let’s shoot the toy….

When I started with FreeState my friends daughter had given me a handful of small plastic babies.  These babies are about the size of a quarter.  I thought it would be fun to “hide” the babies around the office.  Please be aware that the instructors are not fans of the tiny babies.

Today, the Director had a wonderful idea; if any of the trainers could shoot the toy baby in one shot they would get $20.  The rules: no practice shot, no optic, only pistols (no long guns), and the target set at 10 yards. 

The “baby” was taped to the #7 on the left hand side of the target.  Josh went first; he was an inch to the right. Patrick was a little bit high - 1.5” to the left.  Karey was 1.75” high and to the right.  Our director Bryan was 1.5” directly above the “baby’s” head. 

The long and short of this story is that the baby is still with us.