Upcoming events and specials just for you.

What To Expect When Carrying Concealed?
Do you feel confident to carry? Not sure what to expect? We will be going over this at our next She-Shooters event. We will cover both lethal and less than lethal options when it comes to carrying. We will also talk about holster options and clothing choices. And as always we welcome your input and questions.
Let us know if you will be joining us! R.S.V.P. by calling Beth or Stephanie at 410-335-5100. You can also send us an email at bethh@freestategunrange.com or stephaniew@freestategunrange.com. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Krava Mage - Ladies Only
The Ladies Only class will be on February 11th at 6pm
Course Overview: 1 1/2-hour course introduces men and women to the fighting system Krav Maga.
This introductory course teaches the average person to defend themselves, absent a weapon, in the event of a physical attack using the principles of Krav Maga, the most effective self-defense fighting method in the world.
The focus in on real-world situations using techniques that are easily learned and retained. Both co-ed and women’s only classes are offered. All classes are taught by expert instructors.
Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.
Course Topics: Attack prevention, Situational awareness, Mindset, Proper stance and balance, Basic strikes and kicks, Physical conditioning
Pre-requisites: No experience needed. Ages 12 and older.
Cost: $69.00 per person
Please note: The link below will take you our course overview page, where you can select your firearm class of choice from the dropdown menu, then register for available dates and times. If you have any questions about registration, please give us a call at 410-335-5100.
Krav Maga - Co-Ed
The Co-Ed class will be on February 4th at 6pm
Course Overview: 1 1/2-hour course introduces men and women to the fighting system Krav Maga.
This introductory course teaches the average person to defend themselves, absent a weapon, in the event of a physical attack using the principles of Krav Maga, the most effective self-defense fighting method in the world.
The focus in on real-world situations using techniques that are easily learned and retained. Both co-ed and women’s only classes are offered. All classes are taught by expert instructors.
Appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.
Course Topics: Attack prevention, Situational awareness, Mindset, Proper stance and balance, Basic strikes and kicks, Physical conditioning
Pre-requisites: No experience needed. Ages 12 and older.
Cost: $69.00 per person
Please note: The link below will take you our course overview page, where you can select your firearm class of choice from the dropdown menu, then register for available dates and times. If you have any questions about registration, please give us a call at 410-335-5100.
Pepper Spray Training Course
Please join us on Saturday, Jan 29th at 10am for our Pepper Spray Training Course.
In this class you will learn risk reduction strategies to discourage threats, simple self-defense techniques to protect against an attack, how to use pepper spray effectively in a self defense situation.
The instruction will cover:
• Levels of awareness and how to maintain an alert state
• Different OC pepper spray patterns and advantages of each
• Effects of pepper spray both physiological and psychological
• Legal aspects of employing pepper spray and the aftermath of such an encounter
• The reasonable use of force
• Verbal warning and de-escalation
• Proper stance, presentation and deployment of a defensive spray
• Accurately aim (yes you must aim) pepper spray at an attacker
• Simple self-defense methods to protect yourself
• Calling 911 and what to say
• Decontamination methods
Practical Training Drills
• Static and Dynamic drills
• Moving off line of attack
• Deployment of spray with inert training canisters
The class is 3 hours and cost $100.00/person.
You may call Sue or Beth at 410-335-5100 to book your spot or use this link. https://www.freestategunrange.com/register-for-classes
We are looking forward to seeing you soon.
Skills Builder: Identify, React & Engage
Course Name: Skills Builder: Identify, React & Engage
Cost: $180 per person
Course Overview: This skill building course will use the FitLight Target System, a unique targeting system used by law enforcement agencies to simulate threat/no threat situations, measure and improve response and accuracy, engage multiple targets, and move and shoot in a 360 degree range environment.
Modified pistols and rifles will be utilized along with Simunitions ammunition to give the most realistic experience possible in a completely safe and controlled environment.
Course Location: This course will be held at our Training Center located at 1320 Innovation Street Suite H Middle River, MD 21220
Course Topics & Skills:
Improved cognitive processing
Measure reaction time
Shoot/Don’t Shoot training
Engaging multiple targets/threats
Moving while shooting
Shooting under stress
Multiple drills to improve speed and accuracy
Pre-requisites: Basic experience with a handgun
Course Length: 3 hours

Situational Awareness and Response Training
Along with the class you will receive 1 Free Hour of Range Time, Free Gun Rental, and a Free Target. (a $31 value).
Instructor _ Josh Poindexter
What is situational awareness?
How do you maintain situational awareness?
Understanding the color codes of mental awareness
Hard vs. soft targets
Sheep, Sheepdogs and Wolves
How the brain and body function under extreme stress
Effects of adrenaline on mental and physical performance
Understanding criminal psychology
How criminals often select their targets
Pre-threat indicators
Used of improvised weapons as a "force multiplier"
Distraction techniques
Verbal de-escalation opportunities
Contact Susan or Beth to reserve you seat. 410-335-5100 or info@she-shooters.net You may registrar online @ https://www.freestategunrange.com/situational-awareness
Along with the class you will receive 1 Free Hour of Range Time, Free Gun Rental, and a Free Target. (a $31 value).

Home Invasion Survival
Instructor - Stephanie
Course Name: Home Invasion Survival
Cost: $160.00 per person
Course Overview: It’s 3:00 AM and you hear a bump in the night. What do you do? Do you look for the intruder? Is your family secure? You will be exposed to time-tested concepts that you can put into action to provide your family a safe “castle.”
REAL live-fire home invasion scenarios will be practiced in our shoot house facilities using Force-on-Force guns. You will be required to make “shoot/no decisions in real time against a real “home invader.”
Course Length: 3 hours
Course Topics:
Situational Awareness in the Home
Developing a home protection plan/safe rooms
5 Fundamental home defense skills
911 call and responding to police
Alarm systems and other security measures
Cover vs. concealment
Legal use of force
Aftermath of a violent home invasion
Practical Exercises in Shoot House:
Basic movement through the home
2) Shoot/don’t shoot scenarios home invasion scenarios
3) De-brief after each scenario

Meet and Greet
Call Sue or Beth to schedule your class at 410-335-5100 or info@she-shooters.net
Join us for the launch of our new Web Site…….
We are looking forward to getting to know you. Please join us for a fun evening with like minded women. Bring your questions and stories, we will provide the refreshments……
We will meeting at our new Training Center located at:
1320 Innovation Street, Suite H
Middle River, MD

Introduction to Shotgun
Instructor - Patrick Goldsborough
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
4:00 PM 8:00 PM
Cost: $119/person
Course Overview: The Introduction to Shotguns course will teach each student the basic knowledge and skills to become familiar with several different types of shotguns, shotgun nomenclature, action types and basic maintenance.
Classroom Instruction
Safety review and shotgun-specific safety issues
Types of shotguns and shotgun actions
Shotgun nomenclature
Gauge sizes and typical uses for each
Loading and unloading procedures
Marksmanship fundamentals
Hands-On Exercises
Loading/unloading exercises with snap caps
Live fire exercises using shotgun slugs
Call Sue or Beth to schedule your class at 410-335-5100 or info@she-shooters.net

NEXT Steps
Instructor - Stephanie
Cost: $125.00 per person (including range fees)
Course Overview: Students will build on the knowledge they obtained in the HQL class: Review safety rules and safe operation of pistol; mechanics and fundamentals of shooting, demonstration of marksmanship principals on firing line with live ammunition. Extended time on range.
Course Topics
Classroom Instruction
Review safety rules
Operation of pistol
Shooting stance – standing
Correct: hand/grip/trigger finger position
Head and arm position
Breath control
Sight alignment and dominant eye
Sight picture and front sight focus
Trigger squeeze and control
Live fire session
Live Fire Session
Demonstrate safety principals
Demonstrate mechanics of pistol handling
Demonstrate marksmanship skills
Fire 50 rounds
Contact Susan or Beth to reserve you seat. 410-335-5100 or info@she-shooters.net

Dynamic Pistol 1
Instructor - Josh Poindexter
Level 1: $175
Dynamic Pistol I is a 4 hour course is designed to expose the student to the combat mindset and the dynamic shooting environment. Students will learn the proper body mechanics and firearm manipulation under a low/moderate level of stress. Focus will be on holster draw, reload techniques and malfunction resolutions. All drills will be performed 2 handed from the standing position.
Call Sue or Beth to schedule your class at 410-335-5100 or info@she-shooters.net