What to wear when you train.


I’m sure we have all been there, standing in your bedroom with the closet open trying to figure out what the "Outfit of the Day" will be. Lets take that task and turn it on its head. Lets find you the best shooting outfit. Some hard and fast rules I live by:

1: Avoid open toe shoes, ( hot brass can hurt)

2: Avoid shorts ( again, hot brass hurts)

3: Avoid “V” or “U” shaped neck lines ( I must have a magnet in my bra, because even when I wear a fairly high collared shirt, ammo casings ALWAYS find their way down there….i add that to my range tattoo collection.)

4: Hat or no Hat? I tend to always wear a hat, for a few reasons,

A: I’m short, so if someone in the lane next to me is running some crazy gun, and the casings are yeeting themselves around the lane dividers, any casings that are over me/in line with the top of my head, will hit my hat/hat brim and NOT hit me in the face.

B: Keeps my hair away/out of my face.

5: Sneakers/boots, aka flats are the go to.

When I started making this list I quickly realized something, “prefect” doesn’t exist. So why should I train with “prefect attire”? I prefer to train for the Real World, aka what you will actually wear.

Take a trip with me. You work in an office and tend to wear the same business casual outfits. You have a nice button down (short or long sleeve) shirt, a pair of trousers ( or a skirt) with pockets, and to top it off you have a matching blazer ( or sweater). That’s all well and good, but whats on your feet? Heels? Boots with heels? Platform shoes?? If I had to guess, you normally change first before going into the range? Have you ever asked yourself why. Or ever thought, “ I wonder what it would feel like to shoot in a pair of 4 inch heels?”

Now, some of you lovelies may wear heels and can function in them no problem. You could probably run in them faster than me in running sneakers ( hint: I don’t run, so if you see me running, you should run too since something is probably chasing me).

Moral of this story (blog post) is, TRAIN, and KEEP TRAINING. Train in every way you can, in every situation you can, so that way you aren’t caught off guard… Stay Sharp my Ladies… Until next time.

Hey, if YOU (yes YOU) have a suggestion for a post or topic you’d like to see covered, please leave us a comment on what you’d like to read about next… Happy Shooting


Low and Left


How did I become a firearms instructor?